For any company to go public would mean a transformational event. Not only would it require significant group and effort on the part of the enterprise it would also require the businesses to collaborate to achieve an objective. HKEx is one of the stock exchanges with the largest market capitalisation and active trading in the world. It is an ideal platform for enterprises to go public for raising capital. With more viable options available for companies, including domestic stock exchange, international stock exchange and dual listing, we help you in taking decisions that would profoundly affect not only your overall valuation but also your relationship with stakeholders in a positive way. Therefore, we help you to choose carefully and strategically, helping you take into account all short term and long-term ambitions and objectives of your enterprise.
With in-depth knowledge of rules and regulations that govern this market, we are placed to help navigate every phase of this critical and complex process. The following are some of the services that we provide in relation to IPO in Hong Kong.

  • IPO readiness assessment of the enterprise
  • Pre-IPO valuation
  • Comparison of stock exchange requirements
  • Industry and peer analysis

Hong Kong Quality Investment Group Limited, with its expertise and skills, is one of the ideal platforms for enterprises that choose to go public for raising more funds. We understand that Listing in Hong Kong would allow companies to attain desirable funds and thereby enhance its chances for follow up finance enabling them to also venture out into the overseas market.

IPO in Hong Kong Services offered by HKQI

Enterprises looks forward to funds that would ensure sustainable development. This channel would also provide opportunities for companies to standardise their management and enhance their brand reputation in the market. Listing is a complex process, especially when companies decide to go public in Hong Kong, they need to be compliant with Listing Rules and IPO procedures of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Only professionals like us would be able to help you with the procedures and provide you with the necessary guidance.

Pre-planning: Removing all hindrances to create favourable listing conditions

  • The eligibility of the company is first assessed for its listing in Hong Kong
  • A feasibility report in accordance to the assessment is prepared
  • A development direction is fabricated for the company for the purpose of listing
  • The present accounting system and accounting record is examined along with giving advices for improvements
  • A tax saving plan for both company and individuals is devised
  • The restructured plan is then shared
  • Venture capital or private equity fund for the development of company is recommended

Execution of IPO: Coordinating the Listing Team to expedite the Listing Process

  • We assist the enterprise in choosing the most suitable time for the listing process
  • All selection process of intermediaries are assisted
  • On behalf of the company, intermediary teams are coordinated with to ensure work completion
  • The sponsors are assisted in their due diligence process
  • Help is provided to answer all enquiries from Stock Exchange
  • We also help companies to seek the necessary capital at the pre-IPO stage and help increase market awareness on the company

Follow up process: Providing necessary help for sustainable growth of company

  • The necessary audit services in accordance with requirements of information disclosure is provided for
  • All updates and recommendations on accounting standards, listing rules and other regulatory requirements are given in a timely manner
  • Professional advice on probable mergers and acquisitions are also provided
  • The clients are assisted in the issue of bonds, convertible bonds, new shares and top-up issues